With the December lull setting in and 2020 just weeks away, now’s the time to evaluate your digital presence. Is it opening up opportunities for you like it should? Whether you’re in private practice or in-house, a law student or established attorney, your digital presence is a professional asset that needs and deserves your attention.
Managing for reward vs. risk
LinkedIn, Facebook and other social sites aren’t just the tools of a legal recruiter. Googling someone is the first thing most of us do when we meet someone new. The first trick for reaping the rewards of your digital presence is actively managing it. Your digital presence can contribute to client development and retention, to securing new jobs and lateral moves, and to filling positions with top performers. Neglect to manage it and you risk missing out on or even deterring beneficial contacts.
Second, manage it holistically. Recognize that your digital presence is larger than your professional life. Be proactive and selective with privacy settings, especially if you post frequently on social platforms.
Building your digital presence with LinkedIn
In the legal industry, LinkedIn is the standard starting point for your digital presence. It’s easy to tell when an attorney has invested in his or her LinkedIn profile: It’s very descriptive and has a high-quality photograph. The “About” section is well-written and thoughtfully done. The profile provides details like alma mater and volunteer activities, which give people a connection point. Some additional strategies for building a strong foundation with LinkedIn:
- Be sure your LinkedIn profile is consistent with your attorney profile on your firm’s website and your resume.
- Use keywords in your headline and add your city to increase the visibility of your profile.
- Seek recommendations on a regular basis, and ask your contacts to be specific about your skills, expertise, and the experience they had working with you.
- Keep your profile updated.
- Build your network by connecting with clients and colleagues. Get into the habit of inviting connections whenever you form a new business relationship.
Next-level networking with LinkedIn
LinkedIn looks like a digital resume, but when you use it as an interactive networking tool, its value increases exponentially. Try these strategies to elevate your digital presence even further:
- Enter the conversation by following people you respect, and by commenting thoughtfully on their posts.
- Join an industry-centric networking group that’s focused on your legal specialty or an area you’d like to know more about. You’ll need an invitation from an existing member or the group moderator, or approval of a user’s request to join. Active participation in just one or a few groups is more effective than membership in many without being active.
- Post content others can respond to, either original articles you’ve written, or summaries and links to articles you’ve written that appear elsewhere. Keep your audience in mind – what can you share that they will find valuable? Use keywords and tag people mentioned in your content to increase your reach.
- As you get to know someone, consider establishing a relationship beyond LinkedIn. You can suggest a phone call or a meeting over coffee to take that next step.
- Maintaining a strong digital presence requires some work. To keep it manageable and moving forward, dedicate time on your calendar and set goals for what you’d like to accomplish.
December is also a great time to add a legal recruiter to your network. Reach out to us today 414-276-6689 or info@ps-companies.com, and let’s connect.